October 12, 2015

The w11k calendar for Trello – how to organize your study

One of the simplest ways to organize your projects, seminar papers and daily tasks is by using Trello. With the w11k calendar for Trello it is even easier to keep the overview of your tasks.

Trello is a productivity tool that helps you organize your projects by creating individual boards, lists and cards. It is possible to manage your projects in teams and to transfer tasks to your team members by allocating cards.

Let us assume that you would like to manage your next seminar paper with Trello. First you create a new board with the name seminar paper. Then you have to think about the structure of your board -you are able to organize the board as you want. For example with lists sorted by captures and general topic of your seminar paper.

Bild1Next, you can dedicate several cards to a list. These cards normally describe your single tasks – your to-dos – and you are able to move them inside a list or to another list. Additional you are able to label your single cards in different colors and add descriptions.

For tasks which have to be done up to a certain date you are able to add a due date. This is where the w11k calendar for Trello gets attractive – explanations follow.

Besides adding labels, descriptions, members and a due date, you can add Checklists to your cards. Furthermore you can attach documents, pictures, music and videos, write comments in cards and approach somebody in your commentary.


w11k calendar for Trello

When you finished creating your boards have a look how your tasks are presented in the w11k Trello calendar. The calendar shows you every cards by due date. This is a very easy and efficient way to keep an overview of your projects.

Of course you could also use the existing calendar from Trello but then you are unable to see all your boards at the same time. In contrast the w11k Trello calendar allows you to organize the cards of all boards (projects) in a single calendar. You can add and remove boards, see them in a monthly view and move your cards from one day to another. In this way you are able to reorganize the timetable of your projects by simply moving the tasks with the mouse.


It is possible to use the w11k Trello calendar with just one board, but it is most useful if you have more than one project to be able to check your responsibility cards from all boards (projects) in a single calendar view. You can colorize your boards and that’s why it is so simple to recognize which cards belongs to which board and to keep an overview of all your tasks. In contrast to see all cards in the calendar from Trello you have to switch between the different boards and select the calendar view. As said it isn’t possible to see all cards of all boards at the same time with the normal Trello calendar. With our w11k Trello calendar you are able to see on the first view if your organization will work. If one day is overcrowded just reorganize your timetable with few mouse movements.


All you need to do to keep an overview of your tasks with the w11k Trello calendar is:

  • a Trello account
  • be logged in
  • at least one board with lists and cards,
  • add yourself to the cards you are responsible for
  • create a due date for the cards which shall be shown in the calendar

It’s just logical: If you aren’t assigned to a card it isn’t shown to you in the calendar because it is not your area of responsibility – especially for teamwork this is important.

Check it out: calendar-for-trello.com

Sign in: www.trello.com

For programmers: github.com/w11k/calendar-for-trello

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